Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect from counselling?

I will listen with compassion and help you explore the feelings and or issues that you bring to the session. Online or audio counselling is available and is very similar to face-to-face counselling with all the same standards and levels of service.

Is it confidential?

As in any counselling session, the information you provide is kept confidential unless you disclose possible harm toward yourself or another. Records may also be subpoenaed.

What experience and credentials does the counsellor have?

I am a qualified Social Worker with more than 20 years of experience. I have worked with a broad array of people of all ages and diverse experiences. Using a client-centred approach, I use an eclectic range of modes to support clients. These modes include strength-based, narrative, acceptance and commitment therapy, and cognitive behaviour therapy. I have also done training and work in trauma-specific counselling.

Do you offer any rebates?

Medicare rebates and NDIS and WorkCover are available. Please discuss these options with me.

How does the video session work?

Zoom and What’s App. You will receive a link via email, or I will video call via What’s App

How do I make an appointment?

Email or call on 0411 940 665, I will get back to you within 24 hours on the next business day.

Other questions or concerns that haven’t been answered here?

Please email, and I will try to answer any questions or concerns you may have.